Starsign Soulful Shoot - Loreta Tāle for Leo

Every month a new sign of the zodiac comes into play, and every month I search for someone with that star sign to have a free portrait shoot in London. I look for people running soul-led businesses, or those who are just starting out in business and need a foot up the ladder.

This month I photographed the beautiful Latvian Leo Loreta, who I met recently through the Fashion Minority Report, as she was looking for some careers advice (she’s just starting out as a photographer). When we first met on Zoom we realised our life paths had taken some spookily similar twists & turns… even though we’re twenty years apart!

We met properly (IRL) on Hampstead Heath yesterday for coffee, chats and shooting amongst the long grass & trees. And WOW she was an absolute dream to photograph! 💛 I’m over the moon with how these portraits turned out… they’re without doubt some of the best portraits I’ve ever taken!

Anyway back to Leo… so Leo season officially started last week (22nd July) and runs to 23rd August. It’s the fifth sign of the zodiac, a fire sign & represented by the lion. With incredible manes, Leos are often sunny, vivacious, passionate, big hearted and love nothing more than basking in the spotlight. I have a lot of love for Leo’s what with being an Aries & all.

What’s your zodiac sign? Do you want to feature in an upcoming star sign shoot? Get in touch and let me know.